
Winds of change: Offshore U.S. farms finally here

Winds of change: Offshore U.S. farms finally here

After years of starts and stops, North America's fledgling offshore wind energy industry is finally out of the blocks. This month, officials in both Massachusetts and Rhode Island are heralding the start of a new American energy market. (Europe is excited, too.) 

Flint Debate Finds Fault, but Water Woes Rise Across U.S.

Flint Debate Finds Fault, but Water Woes Rise Across U.S.

Debating in Flint, candidates Hillary and Bernie attacked Michigan's wounded governor this week. But all of us know that the local problem with lead-contaminated drinking water is just part of a vastly broader crisis with the nation's water infrastructure.

INFOGRAPHIC: USGBC's top 10 leed-ing states

INFOGRAPHIC: USGBC's top 10 leed-ing states

Every year, USGBC names the top U.S. states for sustainable building through LEED certification. In 2015 alone, 1,633 such projects were certified, covering 275 million sq ft. For the third year in a row, Illinois ranked greenest of the green, per capita.

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