
Top 16 BW News Stories of 2016

Top 16 BW News Stories of 2016

When you're a startup, every year is precious. So, this week, we look back on a raucous year marked by notable tech advances, epic engineering feats, and urgent reminders of urban infrastructure needs.

Water pressures: 7 hopeful signs

Water pressures: 7 hopeful signs

From New Orleans and Amsterdam to Flint, MI, and Teheran, cities across the globe are frantically racing to upgrade their fragile water systems ahead of the coming surge in urban repopulation. Here are seven reasons for urgent optimism about our water future

Flint thankful for $119M in U.S. cleanup aid

Flint thankful for $119M in U.S. cleanup aid

Happier Thanksgiving. Residents in lead-tainted Flint MI have had a horrible 2016, but the ongoing environmental disaster there appears to be ending the year on a hopeful note. Federal funds announced last week should help locals to improve water safety. 

Flint Update: Criminal Charges Just the Beginning

Flint Update: Criminal Charges Just the Beginning

Drip, drip, drip... The Flint Water Crisis continues to unfold as a most unnatural disaster. This week, the Michigan Attorney General announced that three state and city officials now face felony charges that include evidence tampering with water samples. 

Flint Debate Finds Fault, but Water Woes Rise Across U.S.

Flint Debate Finds Fault, but Water Woes Rise Across U.S.

Debating in Flint, candidates Hillary and Bernie attacked Michigan's wounded governor this week. But all of us know that the local problem with lead-contaminated drinking water is just part of a vastly broader crisis with the nation's water infrastructure.

Following Flint Lead, Milwaukee Acts Next

Following Flint Lead, Milwaukee Acts Next

First it was Flint. Now it's Milwaukee racing to fix pipes in the city that tests found to be leaching lead into drinking water. As crews there now mobilize, reports of similar woes are emerging throughout the South and Rust Belt.

Flint failures may Cost $1.5B in emergency water System repairs

Flint failures may Cost $1.5B in emergency water System repairs

Flint MI is in dire straits. Short-sighted decisions and poor execution have poisoned one of the poorest cities in the U.S. But if you think it can't happen to your town, think again. Learn more about the perfect toxic storm that has Michigan reeling.

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