The Summit was great. I’m continually impressed with the quality of speakers and attendees you guys are getting. The entire Builtworlds team did a great job.


Summit 2017 is a wrap!

From stellar keynotes and panel discussions from the built world’s most respected leaders, to rooftop networking, intimate Dine-Arounds, and off-site visits around Chicago’s tech scene, we had an incredible Summit 17.

BuiltWorlds Summit 2017 Photo Gallery

Whenever we host events, one of our primary goals is to bring people together from across the built worlds who wouldn’t normally meet. Another goal is take the ‘mundane’ out of industry events. We want to make networking and learning productive and fun.

We accomplished both with the Summit, and we want to thank each of you for making it happen.

We’re ready to carry this momentum into next year’s Summit. We have a goal of making it bigger and better, adding more features, keynotes, and a larger venue to accommodate more attendees.

So be on the lookout. More to come on that soon...

Let's keep pushing the industry forward!



The BuiltWorlds Summit is an exclusive 3-day gathering of the built industry's largest companies, leading startups, and most innovative CEOs and strategists.

Disruptive technology, climate change, global urbanization, and the millennial workforce are redefining how we build.

As a forward-thinking leader in the built industry, it’s your job to make sense of it all and figure out how to adapt.

Consider this your personal invitation to 3 action-packed days filled with expert keynotes and panels, interactive breakout sessions, and opportunistic networking that will arm you with the tools you need to breakthrough the noise and figure out how to position your built company for success in the face of uncertainty. 


summit 2017 SPEAKERS



3 days. 49 speakers. 140 attendees.


Premier Sponsors





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