
Water pressures: 7 hopeful signs

Water pressures: 7 hopeful signs

From New Orleans and Amsterdam to Flint, MI, and Teheran, cities across the globe are frantically racing to upgrade their fragile water systems ahead of the coming surge in urban repopulation. Here are seven reasons for urgent optimism about our water future

Zurich, Singapore top sustainability index

Zurich, Singapore top sustainability index

Americans love competition; everybody knows that. It's in our DNA. Well, then how do we feel about being shut out of the Top 25 on Dutch design giant Arcadis's Sustainable Cities Index 2016? Read on to see where the sustainability is strongest around the globe.

Still Shopping, Stantec adds MWH Global

Still Shopping, Stantec adds MWH Global

For Canada's highly acquistive Stantec, perhaps the 115th time will be the charm. Last week, just a month after announcing plans to acquire Chicago architect VOA, the Edmonton, Alberta-based giant has made an even bigger splash in the global water market.

INFOGRAPHIC: USGBC's top 10 leed-ing states

INFOGRAPHIC: USGBC's top 10 leed-ing states

Every year, USGBC names the top U.S. states for sustainable building through LEED certification. In 2015 alone, 1,633 such projects were certified, covering 275 million sq ft. For the third year in a row, Illinois ranked greenest of the green, per capita.

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