3D Printing

3D-printing Dubai: First an office, now a lab

3D-printing Dubai: First an office, now a lab

Boundless ambition. Already home to the world's tallest tower, Dubai now intends to become the global capital of 3D-printed construction. In June, it 3D-printed an office building offsite. Now, it aims to create a new lab on site. Who dares to doubt Dubai? 

Inside the Very First 3D-Printed Office Building

Inside the Very First 3D-Printed Office Building

Maker's mark. Make no mistake, the UAE is more than a little obsessed with 3D printing. Just weeks ago, Dubai created an office building from scratch in just 19 days. Now the government is determined to use maker technology to leave its mark on the world.

Northwestern Students Ready to Present Concrete 3D Printer?

Northwestern Students Ready to Present Concrete 3D Printer?

With the BuiltWorldsNU team’s final presentation looming on Thursday, the culmination of over five months of work is rapidly approaching. Over 1000 pages of reports, countless tests, hours of presentations, long nights in the prototyping lab, and nearly our entire budget have led to this point. Is the team ready?

Northwestern Students Give Their Concrete 3D Printer Its Own Test

Northwestern Students Give Their Concrete 3D Printer Its Own Test

Our favorite engineering students from Northwestern U have only two weeks left before their main event: the demonstration of their concrete 3D printer prototype. Now in their home-stretch, BuiltWorldsNU is tinkering away at working out the final kinks. Let's check in with them this week

WATCH: Our 3D Printing Panel

WATCH: Our 3D Printing Panel

If you missed The Realities of 3D Printing, our popular March 30th program produced at BW Studios, you actually missed a lot. But no worries. Thanks to the magic of video, here it is once again, in its entirety... restored and presented in glorious technicolor! Enjoy!

Future of Making Things Only Limited by Imagination

Future of Making Things Only Limited by Imagination

Just a week after our upcoming 'Realities of 3D Printing' show, MasterGraphics will host a special full-day program at BW on 'The Future of Making Things'. A top-notch panel will discuss everything from 3D Scanning to enhanced conflict resolution.

Diamandis on 3D printing and Exponential Tech

Diamandis on 3D printing and Exponential Tech

Today, we can 3D print in full color and in over 250 different materials, ranging from titanium to rubber, plastic, glass, ceramic, leathers, even chocolate. Here, X-Prize founder and CTF keynote Peter Diamandis details the practical potential of additive manufacturing.

3D Printing Panel: All Stars in All Dimensions

3D Printing Panel: All Stars in All Dimensions

So far, all the talk re our March 30 program, The Realities of 3D Printing, has centered on our student partners at Northwestern University. But our all-star lineup of internationally respected experts should stand alone as a forum well worth seeing.

3D-Printed Temporary Facility Hosts EU in Amsterdam

3D-Printed Temporary Facility Hosts EU in Amsterdam

On March 30, BuiltWorlds will host a fascinating program on The Realities of 3D Printing. Here, Civil Engineering magazine shows how a temporary convention center in The Netherlands is expanding our concept of those concrete realities.

VOTE: Help My Students To 3D Print Public Housing Units

VOTE: Help My Students To 3D Print Public Housing Units

One Chicago high school teacher writes about his students' ongoing desire to change the world, one 3D-printed housing unit at a time. He also asks for help to keep his program going.

Face IT: Technology is not trendy. It’s reality

Face IT: Technology is not trendy. It’s reality

With innovation happening on multiple fronts, all at the speed of light, we have entered the modern age of construction, writes Procore CEO Tooey Courtemanche. Here are several reasons he sees more dreams taking wing in 2016. 

WATCH: When 3D Laser Scanning Meets 3D Printing

WATCH: When 3D Laser Scanning Meets 3D Printing

When we launched our research division, it was no coincidence that we first covered 3D Laser scanning; a tech rapidly evolving and gaining a stronger foothold in the field. Inside, we exclusively present to you an expert presentation on the growing influence and potentials for this revolutionary tool. 

BuiltWorlds adds new research arm

BuiltWorlds adds new research arm

Building on our broader mission to foster "a smarter built environment", BuiltWorlds this week is pleased to announce the launch of a new research service that will offer reviews and in-depth analyses of new and emerging technologies.

No-Stick Jam: 3d Printed Stone and String Structure Rocks Biennial

No-Stick Jam: 3d Printed Stone and String Structure Rocks Biennial

U.S. and Swiss designers claim to have created an architectural structure built without any adhesive, just rocks and thread. Now on display in Chicago, Rock Print came together via a robotic arm-like, powder-based 3-D printer.

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