
Northwestern Students Ready to Present Concrete 3D Printer?

Northwestern Students Ready to Present Concrete 3D Printer?

With the BuiltWorldsNU team’s final presentation looming on Thursday, the culmination of over five months of work is rapidly approaching. Over 1000 pages of reports, countless tests, hours of presentations, long nights in the prototyping lab, and nearly our entire budget have led to this point. Is the team ready?

Northwestern Students Give Their Concrete 3D Printer Its Own Test

Northwestern Students Give Their Concrete 3D Printer Its Own Test

Our favorite engineering students from Northwestern U have only two weeks left before their main event: the demonstration of their concrete 3D printer prototype. Now in their home-stretch, BuiltWorldsNU is tinkering away at working out the final kinks. Let's check in with them this week

Northwestern Engineers Return to Build their Concrete 3D Printer

Northwestern Engineers Return to Build their Concrete 3D Printer

Since January, we have had an ongoing partnership with a Mechanical capstone course at Northwestern University. Back in March, we held their presentation as part of our show The Realities of 3D Printing. Now, the BuiltWorldsNU team is back. Let's check in to see what they're up to in this quarter...

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