U.S. Department of Labor

Huh? Explaining May's Dip in Construction Jobs

Huh? Explaining May's Dip in Construction Jobs

What the heck just happened? The U.S. construction industry is still chugging along at an extraordinarily healthy clip. So, how did we manage to lose 15,000 jobs in May? Great question. BuiltWorlds decided to ask AGC, ABC, and HardHatHub for some answers.  

Frances Perkins, Love, and a Green Mission to Serve

Frances Perkins, Love, and a Green Mission to Serve

Last week in Wisconsin, BuiltWorlds was honored to meet Marge Anderson, 2015 National Board Chair of the U.S. Green Building Council, and EVP of nonprofit Seventhwave. Here, she writes about the spirit and ethic that drives their work. 

Labor Struggling to Keep Pace as Contracts Continue Surge

Labor Struggling to Keep Pace as Contracts Continue Surge

U.S. nonresidential construction activity has returned to levels not seen since 2009. But the surge in new contracts is such that some areas now actually find themselves slowing down to wait for the labor supply to catch up.

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