COP 21

UN: 2015 Set Renewable Energy Investment Record

UN: 2015 Set Renewable Energy Investment Record

Spring certainly is the time for renewal, but new data from the UN suggests that the rest of the year is not lacking for energy, either. In all, $286 billion was spent on renewables in 2015, and for the first time, more in the developing world than not.

Frances Perkins, Love, and a Green Mission to Serve

Frances Perkins, Love, and a Green Mission to Serve

Last week in Wisconsin, BuiltWorlds was honored to meet Marge Anderson, 2015 National Board Chair of the U.S. Green Building Council, and EVP of nonprofit Seventhwave. Here, she writes about the spirit and ethic that drives their work. 

Paris Climate Pact Makes History, Draws Business Backing

Paris Climate Pact Makes History, Draws Business Backing

Greenpeace must be awfully confused after big business joined world governments today in Paris to end the UN COP21 conference with an historic agreement that actually left many attendees in tears. Is this what climate victory looks like? 

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