The White House

AECOM greenlights 2020 carbon cuts

AECOM greenlights 2020 carbon cuts

Green Giant: An $18-billion, multidisciplinary player has pledged to shrink its carbon footprint 20% by 2020. Home to many familiar industry names, the LA-based multinational with 100,000 employees now seems bent on leading a sustainable revolution. 

Alleluia! At last, a multi-year Highway bill!

Alleluia! At last, a multi-year Highway bill!

Maybe the two sides just got tired of ruining each other's holidays. Either way, ladies and gentlemen, now that the President has signed a new $305-billion highway bill, the U.S. has its first long-term highway bill in a decade. 

World leaders Launch 'Mission Innovation' at Paris Climate Talks

World leaders Launch 'Mission Innovation' at Paris Climate Talks

Optisme urgence - The Paris Climate Talks have drawn more than 30,000 diplomats from over 200 nations this week. Already, the first big announcement is a global initiative to accelerate clean energy innovation via public-private partnerships.

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