SoCore Energy

Clean Energy Trust Challenges 14 Finalists

Clean Energy Trust Challenges 14 Finalists

Game on! Fourteen student startups and early-stage entrepreneurs are now finalists in the annual Clean Energy Trust challenge, vying for slices of a $1-million pie that aims to spur innovation in the clean tech field. Winners will be named April 12.

Sparks Fly, Ideas Collide at Future Energy

Sparks Fly, Ideas Collide at Future Energy

Last night's SmartWorlds event at BW led us down the rabbit hole of future energy and we landed on a micro-grid. Our panelists touched on a myriad of different subjects, in the field, from home batteries, wind generation, solar panels, alongside several others.

Smart Panel Set to Energize

Smart Panel Set to Energize

For centuries, humankind has depleted Earth's finite resources, but our behavior is shifting towards harnessing the sustainable energy around us. Our next SmartWorlds event turns on Future Energy, exploring how tomorrow's immense power needs can possibly be met. To take on this monumental challenge, BuiltWorlds will host experts from UL, Argonne National Laboratory, SoCore Energy, Energy Foundry, and GlidePath.

C-Suite Corner: 5 questions for SoCore's Pete Kadens

C-Suite Corner: 5 questions for SoCore's Pete Kadens

This week, the Energy Thought Summit will host an Infrastructure Thought Leaders panel, featuring speakers from the White HouseExelonComEdArgonne National Laboratory, and SoCore Energy. ETS partner Zpryme sat down with SoCore's Pete Kadens to discuss solar's bright future.

Our first 'Speak & Connect' hits it out of the park!

Our first 'Speak & Connect' hits it out of the park!

Thanks so much to everyone who attended our first-ever 'Speak & Connect' event on Nov. 6. We definitely feel the momentum building here at BuiltWorlds and the electricity that arrived with you all that evening is still illuminating our offices today.

Burnham Works 'Speak & Connect' coming Nov. 6

Burnham Works 'Speak & Connect' coming Nov. 6

Building on its successful Members Night debut, Burnham Works will host a broader 'Speak & Connect' special event in November, featuring yet another dynamic young industry leader in the '1130' speaker series.

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