Kevin Carr

Future of Making Things Only Limited by Imagination

Future of Making Things Only Limited by Imagination

Just a week after our upcoming 'Realities of 3D Printing' show, MasterGraphics will host a special full-day program at BW on 'The Future of Making Things'. A top-notch panel will discuss everything from 3D Scanning to enhanced conflict resolution.

WATCH: When 3D Laser Scanning Meets 3D Printing

WATCH: When 3D Laser Scanning Meets 3D Printing

When we launched our research division, it was no coincidence that we first covered 3D Laser scanning; a tech rapidly evolving and gaining a stronger foothold in the field. Inside, we exclusively present to you an expert presentation on the growing influence and potentials for this revolutionary tool. 

WATCH: Drones, 3D Printing, and Connected Tools Stand Guard Over Crowd

WATCH: Drones, 3D Printing, and Connected Tools Stand Guard Over Crowd

All to often do you hear people claim "the future is now". During BW's recent Tech Toy Test Drive presentation, we made that adage true by showcasing the tools of the future, well before some hit the market.

WATCH: Tech Toy Chest Illuminates Techweek Crowd

WATCH: Tech Toy Chest Illuminates Techweek Crowd

Now that Techweek: New York is winding down with its own Hackathon this weekend, we thought the time was right to look back at the riveting discussion we hosted during Chicago's own Techweek in June. See the full video.

Mechanical Tech Toy Chest set to rock Cleveland

Mechanical Tech Toy Chest set to rock Cleveland

Kicking off "Rock-tober" in Cleveland, MCAA this week is exposing college students to the professional twists and turns of plumbing, piping, pumping and all manner of virtual modeling, installation and repair. And BW is there!

Toy Chest set to storm Techweek

Toy Chest set to storm Techweek

After his successful debut at this week's MCAA conference earlier this week, Matt Abeles, Co-Founder of BuiltWorlds is ready to bring his Tech Toy Chest summit to Techweek Chicago on June 25th. Taking place at the famous art deco Merchandise Mart building, Abeles has united a host of stellar companies that he feels are currently making a significant impact on the built space.

7 Things We Learned @ the AEC Hackathon

7 Things We Learned @ the AEC Hackathon

BuiltWorlds hosted the first ever Chicago AEC Hackathon over the weekend.  With so many brilliant minds inside our West Loop offices, it was the opportune time to take our brain to the gym.  Here are seven things we learned from the weekend that was.

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