
A Behind-the-Scenes Tour of an Innovative Recycling Plant | SmartWorlds: Lakeshore Recycling Systems

A Behind-the-Scenes Tour of an Innovative Recycling Plant | SmartWorlds: Lakeshore Recycling Systems

Take a trip with us to Lakeshore Recycling. They provide recycling and 100% waste diversion programs and comprehensive waste removal to businesses and residential homeowners. They do all of this without any plans of ever owning a landfill.

Using the Potential for Nanotechnology in Facilities Management | BW Lightbulb

Using the Potential for Nanotechnology in Facilities Management | BW Lightbulb

What happens when a sink and a toilet communicate with once another and can text a human? At AEC Hackathon 2.1, Paul Doherty enlightens us.

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