
Renowned AEC entrepreneur KP Reddy takes on his next venture, The Combine

Renowned AEC entrepreneur KP Reddy takes on his next venture, The Combine

This episode of Venture sees us catch up with renowned entrepreneur KP Reddy as he takes on his new chapter. Based in Atlanta, this tech incubator uses their wide breadth of expertise to nurture good ideas into great companies. Watch, as our special host, Matt Gray catches up with Mr. Reddy to see how The Combine is making waves in the AEC tech world.

CAT Investing with Startup Partners at SXSW and NASA | Venture: CAT Ventures

CAT Investing with Startup Partners at SXSW and NASA | Venture: CAT Ventures

On today’s episode, we’re joined by a special host, Matt Gray, as he spends some time with Brian Lowry, Transaction Manager at Strategic Investments at Caterpillar Ventures. Their conversation in the BuiltWorlds studio covered a wide range of topics. Lessons learned from the automotive industry to leveraging the digital tools available making the jobsite a more efficient place to work and even a partnership between NASA and Caterpillar (CAT).

Energy Execs Talk What's Next for Smart Grid & Microgrid Technology | SmartWorlds

Energy Execs Talk What's Next for Smart Grid & Microgrid Technology | SmartWorlds

On this episode of SmartWorlds, we speak with experts from ComEd, GI Energy, Clean Energy Trust, Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, and Energy Foundry about the investments, policies, and consumer teaching that go into growing smart grids and microgrids. What's next for smart grids and microgrids?

Starting to Invest in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Technology | Venture

Starting to Invest in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Technology | Venture

On this episode of Venture, we look at what it’s like for an established investment firm diving into the AEC space. Greg Barnes from Hyde Park Ventures sat down with us as they have begun to dip their toe into the wide world of investment into the architecture, engineering, and construction technology space. 

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