One to Watch

Cityzenith’s Michael Jansen aims to map the entire built world

Cityzenith’s Michael Jansen aims to map the entire built world

The chairman and CEO is set to launch his company’s signature 5D Smart World software suite at the BuiltWorlds Summit on May 3. The product is a manipulable Google Earth for the AEC industry, offering the latest data on buildings and streets in 100 of the world’s biggest cities and counting and providing tools for designers and contractors to import data of their own.

Pericept brings BIM closer to the job site

Pericept brings BIM closer to the job site

President and CEO Tony Ragucci and Vice President of Product Development Victor Palmer talk about creating a tool, BIMtrace, that could revolutionize project workflow by allowing workers on job sites to link photos of the sites to BIM models to make direct comparisons and note issues.

Arx Pax's Greg Henderson on his floating foundation system

Arx Pax's Greg Henderson on his floating foundation system

Henderson and his wife, Jill, founded Arx Pax in 2012, and their first patent was for a three-tiered foundation system, the SAFE Building System, meant to protect structures from flooding and earthquakes by floating them. Learn how it works and where Arx Pax is looking to build pilot projects as sea levels continue to rise.

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