Method Soap

WATCH: The LEEDing Issues Behind Method's Innovative Design

WATCH: The LEEDing Issues Behind Method's Innovative Design

Every rock band yearns to earn a platinum record. On December 3, the band responsible for designing and constructing Chicago's LEED Platinum Method soap manufacturing facility were on hand at BuiltWorlds to discuss the strategies to build an instant icon...rocked our house while doing so.

WATCH: Inside Method, the new LEED in Sustainable Manufacturing

WATCH: Inside Method, the new LEED in Sustainable Manufacturing

This month's Method Manufacturing event showcased the clean and green energy behind the new LEED Platinum soap factory on Chicago’s south side. Afterward, BW sent its own video team to see what all the fuss was about.


Awash in History, Pullman Soap Factory Heralds Clean Revolution

Awash in History, Pullman Soap Factory Heralds Clean Revolution

The second in our ongoing Project Innovation Series, last week's BW event focused on Chicago's new $30-million Method Manufacturing plant highlighted how the new soap factory is cleaning up on history at a landmarked site.

The Sustainable Madness Behind Their Method

The Sustainable Madness Behind Their Method

An urban farmer, a general contractor, an architect, and a sustainability consultant all walk into a soap factory. This is far from a joke, though. Method soap's wild new soap plant is making more history, becoming the first manufacturing plant in its industry to earn LEED Platinum Certification with the collaboration of those aforemtioned four forces. 

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