MacGillvray Freeman

Avery Bang: A bridge-builder in every sense

Avery Bang: A bridge-builder in every sense

Bang's big theory. At 32, she has already won more accolades than most of us will compile in a lifetime. But as one of the stars of the new IMAX film Dream Big, the Bridges to Prosperity CEO also knows this is her best chance to inspire others to make 'heroic' career choices.  

Inspiring future engineers, Hollywood-style

Inspiring future engineers, Hollywood-style

Ready for their closeup! Backed by Bechtel and ASCE, a spectacular new IMAX feature, Dream BIG, has opened in 50 cities for National Engineers Week. BuiltWorlds previewed the inspiring ode to next-gen problem-solvers. Click here to see multiple clips.

Give Thanks! 5 Reasons To Love the AEC

Give Thanks! 5 Reasons To Love the AEC

'Tis the season for taking stock. This long holiday weekend is the perfect time to step back and give thanks for the exhilarating days in which we live and the vibrant industry that puts a bounce in our a step. Here's one case why the AEC is still the place to be.

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