3D System

TT+20: Experts ponder the promise of 3D printing

TT+20: Experts ponder the promise of 3D printing

Earlier this year, Thornton Tomasetti convened a broad array of AEC experts, researchers, academics, and practitioners to explore where our industry will be in 20 years. Here, five global thought leaders explore how 3D printing will change the way we think about design and construction? 

Transforming a 3D printer into wild animation

Transforming a 3D printer into wild animation

So this is the kind of riveting thing that can happen when you link together a camera, nail art, and the ingenuity of a 3D printer. Japanese filmmaker Mamoru Iizuka used a 3D System's ProJet 660 Pro to produce exactly 521 artificial fingernails. Frame by frame, the animated stop-motion video was finished without using any computer graphics.

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