Will 3DR usher in Dawn of Aerial Age?

Will 3DR usher in Dawn of Aerial Age?

by TODD STOLARSKI | April 13, 2015

Today, 3D Robotics is poised to make a major announcement on its newest quadcopter. The teaser below gives us a whole lot of monkey, a little bit of astronaut, and just a smidgen of drone. 3DR's trailer nods to Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey so deeply that it may give the director's neck a permanent crick. Relying on the same evolutionary meme struck by Kubrick's seminal sci-fi classic, 3DR also is happy to spur the imagination, ending with the intriguing tagline "Life After Gravity". Fortunately, it's just a matter of hours now before we see the next leap forward in UAV tech. So sit back, get out the popcorn, watch the video below, and hit F5 on 3DR's website. If you get antsy, maybe you can even watch 2001 while you wait.

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