WATCH: Drone Expert Haun Provides Bird's-Eye View of UAVs

WATCH: Drone Expert Haun Provides Bird's-Eye View of UAVs

by TODD STOLARSKI | Nov. 19, 2015

This week at BuiltWorlds headquarters, we’re all abuzz about our budding research initiative, a program primed to delve deeper into new technologies seeking to promote a smarter built environment.

With not one, but two fingers on the pulse of the revolutionary tech shaping the industry, we recently focused on a pair of significant yet highly differing tools with the potential to enhance project execution. First, we took a deep dive into the world of 3D Laser Scanning, then followed up with a far more polarizing topic: the world of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

UAV expert Thomas Haun, VP of Strategy & Globalization for PrecisionHawk, contributed to our report (which you can access here), but before doing so served as guest at our Robots to the Rescue event, where he dropped serious knowledge about where drones stand and where they are headed.

Watch his full talk here.

To contact the author, write to, or follow him on Twitter @toddstolarski.

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