BW SESSIONS: Applied Software

BW SESSIONS: Applied Software

by TODD STOLARSKI | Nov. 16, 2015

Back in 1982, Applied Software wisely planted its  flag in the ground before most others in the digital game had even come into existence. Now, after last month acquiring Enceptia, a 28-year-old, San Antonio TX-based tech consultant, the Atlanta-based firm has become the South’s largest Autodesk reseller serving the architectural, engineering, construction, and manufacturing design community.

This addition has led to what Applied founder and president Richard Burroughs has called his newly formed juggernaut, "a new Applied Software". BuiltWorlds recently caught up with Applied marketing director Todd Weyandt for a greater insight into what’s cooking in Applied’s kitchen. Below also is our video interview from earlier this year with Burroughs.

Answer man

Answer man

BuiltWorlds (BW) - What’s the main idea behind Applied Software?

Todd Weyandt (TW)  - We view ourselves as software systems innovators. At Applied, we’re really wanting to connect the whole workflow together and create the solution for architects, engineers, construction and manufacturing industries.

BW - What void in the market does Applied Software look to fill?

TW - Specifically related to construction, which is our huge market right now, we are the go-to place for design to completion. We can help with every step along that workflow process. No matter if it is an install, or handover, Applied Software is a one-stop shop that  you can partner with.

BW - As a longtime partner of Autodesk, do you provide personal software training in-house?

TW - Inside our Atlanta office, we have a fully dedicated staff so that companies can send up to 40 people here at a time for instructional courses. Our expert, full-time trainers can handle any aspect of the software and can train in detail. We do custom training, and also an event series of in-person instruction that we do. Applied also has an ongoing virtual event series called LiveLab training that is more cost-friendly to our clients because they don’t have to travel from wherever they are. They receive the best of both worlds; training in the morning, work in the afternoon. Zero loss of productivity time.

BW - In an increasingly crowded market, how does Applied stand out?

TW - Definitely our technical people. We really have the experts on staff that are fluent in the BIM360 products that help in making sure that onboarding transition goes smoothly. We have a unique status with Autodesk in that we have a construction specialization. With the BIM360 product that Autodesk has, there are only three companies in the country that have this distinction and we’re one. We can sell firms a lot of different products, new cutting-edge software that go all the way out to the field, that most other people can’t.

BW - In the not-so-distant future, how will the industry be using your tech tools?

TW - We recently partnered with SouthWire, who just rolled out their version of BIM, called “BEM” for “building electrical modelling”. So we’re aligning with them to really hone in on the electrical market. We also have several other companies to link up with on the fabrication side. So we’re really trying to pull together everyone in the construction space in order to integrate and make sure that all of the systems are up and running together smoothly.

BW - How is the Tech scene in the South these days?

TW - Atlanta is growing and taking off in tech, but a little bit different than a lot of the other places in the South, given that it is a metropolis. Construction is on the rise. Florida is really humming in that capacity, too, but I see it happening everywhere. There are a lot of exciting opportunities out there for which we can really leverage the technical skills that we bring to the table. It’s a very exciting time.


This summer, BuiltWorlds sat down with Applied founder Richard Burroughs. Since its founding 33 years ago, his firm has helped more than 5,000 clients achieve high performance and competitive advantage via a broad range of custom services and solutions. Today, as markets keep booming, the opportunities multiply. Well into its fourth decade, and now with Enceptia on board, the outlook truly has never seemed brighter for Applied Software.  Below, a few moments with Burroughs...


To contact the author, write to, or find him on Twitter @toddstolarski.


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