BW Sessions: Bluebeam

BW Sessions:  Bluebeam

On Tuesday, August 14, Burnham Works conducted their sixth Tech Talk from their studio office in Chicago’s west loop.  This week we chatted with Joe Sullivan from Bluebeam Software, Inc. who highlighted their dynamic and revolutionary collaboration software, Revu.

In only a twelve-year’s time, Bluebeam has grown from a humble application plugin creator to an industry-leading PDF collaboration software company with head-turning appearances on platforms such as Deloitte’s “Fast 500” list and NASA’s Mars Rover.  Since it’s inception in 2002, Bluebeam’s sole focus has been to serve the built environment.  Joe explained that Bluebeam products exist because customers wanted them to exist.  And with a hungry marketplace looking for a better way to collaborate, the Bluebeam Revu was born.  Statistics have shown that teams who implement Bluebeam Revu can complete projects up to 40% faster, reduce paper by 85% and speed up communication by 60%.

How does it work?

There is no short or fast way to explain everything that Bluebeam Revu is capable.  As brief as I can, the Revu is a PDF collaboration platform that allows users to analyze, interact and collaborate with PDF documents in a completely customizable format that can be accessed from a myriad of smart devices.  Users are empowered to markup PDF documents, host collaboration sessions on the same document in real-time, embed media, perform takeoffs, share information, overlay designs, streamline labeling, create logs and send information (and much, much more).

How is it different?

In addition to the aforementioned items, Bluebeam Revu has a seemingly endless list of capabilities.  Whereas most PDF platforms are limited by strict rules and narrow options, Bluebeam boasts “there are three ways to do just about everything”.  If your personal preference lies in using keyboard shortcuts, clipped palettes or toolbars, Bluebeam offers a functionality in which you’re already comfortable.  And with the option to collaborate in real-time via the cloud, Bluebeam gives any newbie the knowhow to host meetings, collaborate over drawings, get approvals and keep work moving forward efficiently and intelligently.  Lastly, Bluebeam has other groundbreaking features like design overlays (which automatically clouds difference), streamlined page bookmarking/labeling and a platform that does not require timely uploads to the Bluebeam software.  All of this equates to time added and money saved.

You would be a good candidate for Bluebeam Revu if…

  • Design or construction collaboration is necessary.
  • Design revisions are commonplace
  • Markups and updates must be transmitted to an audience
  • Teams are performing takeoffs


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