
76 yrs later, county reboots transportation plan

76 yrs later, county reboots transportation plan

1940. Just think how much our world has changed since then. Global population, alone, has more than tripled. Incredibly, since that year, the nation's second most populous county had not updated its long-range transportation plan. Until now. Read on...

INFOGRAPHIC: USGBC's top 10 leed-ing states

INFOGRAPHIC: USGBC's top 10 leed-ing states

Every year, USGBC names the top U.S. states for sustainable building through LEED certification. In 2015 alone, 1,633 such projects were certified, covering 275 million sq ft. For the third year in a row, Illinois ranked greenest of the green, per capita.

IL Gov. Proposes P3 to Break $425M Logjam

IL Gov. Proposes P3 to Break $425M Logjam

Roadways in the Land of Lincoln are in bad shape, but they are much better than the State of Illinois' finances and the toxic state of its politics. So, an embattled governor has now proposed a public-private partnership (P3) to rebuild one major expressway.

Cat won't stray, commits anew to Peoria as headquarters

Cat won't stray, commits anew to Peoria as headquarters

Civic leaders in the Central Illinois town had feared that its biggest resident would pull up stakes and head for the big city. But global equipment giant Caterpillar doubled down with plans for an ambitious new HQ.

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