Francois Hollande

World leaders Launch 'Mission Innovation' at Paris Climate Talks

World leaders Launch 'Mission Innovation' at Paris Climate Talks

Optisme urgence - The Paris Climate Talks have drawn more than 30,000 diplomats from over 200 nations this week. Already, the first big announcement is a global initiative to accelerate clean energy innovation via public-private partnerships.

Greenbuild gives thanks, sends message to paris climate talks

Greenbuild gives thanks, sends message to paris climate talks

Paris was on the minds of many at Greenbuild 2015 last week, but so was hope, as nearly 20,000 gathered to urge constructive action on climate change and responsible and sustainable practices from our industry.

India, France announce Smart Cities partnership

India, France announce Smart Cities partnership

'Smart Cities' continue to make world headlines this spring. This week, as the U.S. sends a Presidential Trade Mission to China with the topic on the agenda, India and France issued a joint statement voicing their intent to implement and share best tech solutions for developing integrated sustainable cities.


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