
7 Construction Techniques for Concrete Façades

7 Construction Techniques for Concrete Façades

Solid. Strong. Resilient. Concrete is a much-used, much-loved building material that conforms to the surface texture of formwork. What are new construction techniques for this centuries-old composite? Here are 7 ideas to add texture to concrete exteriors, featured on projects across the globe.

Northwestern Students Ready to Present Concrete 3D Printer?

Northwestern Students Ready to Present Concrete 3D Printer?

With the BuiltWorldsNU team’s final presentation looming on Thursday, the culmination of over five months of work is rapidly approaching. Over 1000 pages of reports, countless tests, hours of presentations, long nights in the prototyping lab, and nearly our entire budget have led to this point. Is the team ready?

Northwestern Students Give Their Concrete 3D Printer Its Own Test

Northwestern Students Give Their Concrete 3D Printer Its Own Test

Our favorite engineering students from Northwestern U have only two weeks left before their main event: the demonstration of their concrete 3D printer prototype. Now in their home-stretch, BuiltWorldsNU is tinkering away at working out the final kinks. Let's check in with them this week

WATCH: Our 3D Printing Panel

WATCH: Our 3D Printing Panel

If you missed The Realities of 3D Printing, our popular March 30th program produced at BW Studios, you actually missed a lot. But no worries. Thanks to the magic of video, here it is once again, in its entirety... restored and presented in glorious technicolor! Enjoy!

3D-Printed Temporary Facility Hosts EU in Amsterdam

3D-Printed Temporary Facility Hosts EU in Amsterdam

On March 30, BuiltWorlds will host a fascinating program on The Realities of 3D Printing. Here, Civil Engineering magazine shows how a temporary convention center in The Netherlands is expanding our concept of those concrete realities.

Ordering Concrete? Here's what to ask your dispatcher

Ordering Concrete? Here's what to ask your dispatcher

When your project involves concrete, so much of your success hinges on scheduling. Factors such as mix type, amount, delivery times, etc., all are critical to your order. Here, Tim Ozinga suggests how best to use your dispatcher.

Concrete, heal thyself!

Concrete, heal thyself!

A Dutch microbiologist at Delft University of Technology claims to have developed a "self-healing" concrete mixture that can repair its own cracks organically. Not surprisingly, the news has generated a lively media stir and multiple competing claims from research rivals.

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